A Woman’s Work

Award Winning Finalist in the 2018 Best Book Awards sponsored by American Book Fest

Raeanne Mara has just returned to the beautiful and hard scrabble ranch that has been the Family Ranch for five generations to grieve the deaths of her husband and daughter. Her cousin John who manages the ranch gives her a shoulder to cry on and hard work to help her heal, but he suddenly disappears after a fight at the Blue Dog bar.

Shortly after, she finds a dead body in the nearby forest and the local sheriff and others think John may have killed the man and left town. Raeanne, a journalist, doesn’t believe this could be true, so she starts a search.

When the neighbor’s teenage son arrives at her door and says John has sent him to tell Raeanne that he is okay and will be home in “a couple of days but don’t tell anyone”, Raeanne knows something is wrong. She collaborates with nearby women, delving into the dark places in the forest to find what’s going on.

New author to me, and once started reading was hard to put down. Fans of Craig Johnson and CJ Box will feel right at home with this writer. Complex plot with plenty of twists, love it when I can’t figure the mystery out. Rich characters and scenery felt like I was there. Would love to see this become a series.

Amazon Review

Marilyn captures the true feeling of Wyoming in this first book of her series. As a reader, I found myself reading “just one more chapter” to match wits with Rae Mara as she works to prove a man’s innocence.

Amazon Review